Solid Support

Asta Vision

Bring transparency, control and integrity to your Asta Powerproject programmes

Asta Vision is a cloud platform to centrally manage and automate your planning and scheduling needs, so you have complete visibility of your entire portfolio from anywhere. Asta Vision optimises organisations and project teams planning processes and operations by centralising data, improving data governance, automating dashboard reporting, and streamlining workflow processes to improve productivity and decision making.

Centralised Schedule Management Platform

A single platform to store all your project schedules, ensures your team always work on the latest project whilst also provides a full history of changes.

Business Intelligence Dashboards

Business Intelligence automates your project teams reporting needs so you get access to accurate up to date project insights and clear visibility on performance to make faster informed decisions.

Control and Governance

Workflow automation streamlines business process approvals and ensures data stored is accurate and shared securely to give you end-to-end visibility of project changes and progress.

Seamless User Experience

Stay productive with an integrated desktop and cloud experience that allows users to easily checkout and sync changes directly from within the software so they never have to work in silos again.

Real-time, multi-user
collaboration comes to
Asta Vision

Asta Vision Live gives multiple planners the power to work seamlessly, securely and simultaneously on the same project plans.

The Powerproject Portfolio includes:


We provide a wide range of training to help both new and more experienced users improve their skills in working with Powerproject. We begin with the basics by teaching fundamental planning techniques, and can cater for all levels of experience.


We provide a wide range of training to help both new and more experienced users improve their skills in working with Powerproject. We begin with the basics by teaching fundamental planning techniques, and can cater for all levels of experience.

Technical Support

Solid Support operates the Australian helpdesk for Powerproject. We will help you to get the most out of your investment in our software and includes the free provision of all maintenance updates and upgrades. All supported users have access to an online Support Portal which contains a comprehensive knowledgebase, current version downloads, full access to the add-on library and extensive product information.

Customised services

Our team of experts can save you time by customising your Powerproject solution. Assignments can be as short as half a day, for tasks such as constructing a project template to simplify project creation and consistency, writing a macro to automate a repeated process – or as long as several months for a major organisation wishing to change its project delivery processes and associated management information reporting.

Profile in Australia

Solid Support are a Powerproject reseller and operate the helpdesk for Australia and New Zealand. With many years’ experience of providing our software solutions to the construction industry in Australia, we understand the best ways for you to maximise the benefits and return from your investment through Training, Implementation and Technical Support / Helpdesk.

Powerproject Helpdesk: +61 2 9743 4666 or