Solid Support

5 Important Questions for Project Management Software Selection

Depending on where you are in the project management chain, you are juggling and managing multiple projects. Using a projects portfolio management solution like PM3 and Asta Vision will be useful. However, before choosing what solution you want, you should answer these five questions as a start.  

     1. Project types: What types of projects are you managing?  

     2. Project management software: What digital tools are you using to manage your projects? 

     3. Project process: Have you documented any of your project management processes? 

     4. Project management standards: Do you have any minimum requirements that all of your projects must meet? 

     5. Training: How do you train your people on your project management software, processes and standards? 

This is where our Project Management Office (PMO) Services comes in handy. We work with our clients to answer those five questions. Once, we have those answers, we can tend develop a suitable project management solution for you. And the solutions can involve the same family of software or a combination of different software families to meet your unique needs. There is always going to be a need for modifications and adaptions where necessary. 

  • Preference: Is there a specific software ecosystem / family you are tied to? 
  • Economics: What is your budget for the business transformation of your project management system?
  • Human Resources: Who are your stakeholders? Your project sponsors, project champions, super project users, and project consumers all play a part in the business transformation.
  • Timeframe: The project lifecycle of implementing a project can vary depending on what system you design.

A few examples of the output of the PMO Services when we are involved in the rollout of your companywide project management systems. 

  • Programming Standards 
  • Project Management Process Documentation 
  • Planning Guidelines 
  • Systems Implementation Advisory 
  • Training Manuals and Workshops 


Get in contact with us today, so we can help you transform your business’ project management systems. We work with a wide cross section of organisations – building contractors, engineering firms, government agencies, property developers, property managers, project management firms, solicitors, to name a few.  

About the writer

Daren Maynard BSc (UWI), MSc (Warwick), PhD (UTS) MIISE, PMP®. works as the National Training Manager at Solid Support. He is an Industrial Engineer specialising in Projects Portfolio Management. In the past 15+ years, he has taught at all levels of education. This teaching experience has been concurrent with his project management experience.